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NIF Tour

Meet the world's largest laser and learn how it works

"Laser Land" at LLNL
NIF google maps view
NIF is the largest laser ever built
  • Yes, this is embarrassingly overblown, but it gives you a pretty good overview of what NIF looks like and does.
  • NIF can deliver 2 MJ of UV light (351 nm wavelength) to a 1 mm spot in 3 ns.
  • NIF is more precise than any other high power laser. Imagine if the SLS rocket were also the nimblest stunt plane.
  • Again overblown, but NIF shots really are exciting.
  • The laser cost about \$4 billion, and about \$350 million per year to operate.
  • NIF shot rate now about 400 per year, so a little less than \$1 million per shot.
  • About 400 PhD scientists and engineers work at NIF, plus another 500 technicians. (Wild guess, may be somewhat high.)
The big parts of the laser
PulsePathComponentsLM = large mirrorSF = spatial filter lensPEPC = plasma electrode Pockels cellPAM = preamplifier module
Each part has a long story
amplifier plenums
  • Above: standing atop one of 48 main amplifier bundles.
  • Right: target chamber composite with several floors removed so you can see more of it than in real life.
target chamber
How much energy is a Megajoule?
1/2 lb TNT

1/2 pound of TNT
released in ~ 10 µs

00 Croissant. Yum.jpg

250 food calories
released in ~ 1000 s

Fusion microcapsule.jpg

NIF fusion ignition capsule
released in ~ 0.1 ns

  • 1 kW-hr = 3.6 MJ (costs 15 cents in TX, 27 cents in CA)
  • Nuclear reactions produce about a million times the energy of chemical reactions
  • NIF laser is only way to focus 1 MJ into 1 mm³ in 1 ns (except nuclear explosions)
NIF laser power: 2 MJ in 4 ns = 500 TW!
SLS launch

SLS engines ~100 GW at launch

NIF ignition shot

NIF ignition shot ~500 TW

  • Total world electricity use 3 TW (US 500 GW)
  • NIF target $6\!\times\!10^7$ K (SLS exhaust $6\!\times\!10^3$ K)
  • "Stars" in background are neutrons hitting camera!
Ignition targets are extremely complex
NIF ignition target in shroud

Ignition target before its cryogenic shroud closes. It takes a day or two to grow the solid hydrogen fuel layer inside the capsule before it can be shot.

NIF hohlraum

A bare cryogenic hohlraum target. The silicon arms conduct heat away so the capsule inside can be cooled below 20 K to freeze a layer of DT fuel inside the capsule.

Ignition targets are extremely complex
NIF ignition target diagram

Hohlraum filled with low pressure helium tamping gas held in by LEH windows.

Ignition targets are extremely complex
NIF HDC ignition capsule

HDC (aka diamond) ignition capsule. The barely visible hair at the top is the hollow glass tube used to fill the capsule with deuterium-tritium fusion fuel.

NIF hohlraum

Cryogenic hohlraum. Wires are for temperature sensors and the heater coils (black bands above and below center) needed to grow a spherical hydrogen ice layer inside the capsule.

The shot completely vaporizes the target
NIF ignition target in shroud

Target before a shot with shroud slightly open. Note copper tube and block holding slicon arms.

after shot

After a shot with shroud fully retracted. The copper tube split open and folded back around the base of the target positioner. Note the wires dangling from the block that held the silicon arms.

Radiation-hydrodynamics codes model implosions
two NIF hohlraum designs

Using simulations to compare two different hohlraum designs.

The "hohlraum" is the hollow gold case containing the capsule - in simple terms it is a 1 cm tall oven. The laser beams enter the top and bottom of the hohlraum through laser entrance holes (LEH), heating the interior to $3\times 10^6$ K in under 10 ns. This causes the outer layers of the capsule to explode, imploding the fuel inside it.

NIF capsule simulation

Higher resolution simulations of the capsule only guide interpretations of what instruments record during an actual experiment. There are too many unknowns for these models to actually describe a real implosion, but without them we would have no idea what we were looking at.

Diagnostic instruments record data from implosions
DIXI instrument

X-ray framing cameras make movies of NIF implosions - like the core of an imploded ignition capsule near "bang time" (BT) below.

Xray movie of bang time
MRS instrument Dante instrument NIS instrument HGXD instrument

Dozens of diagnostic instruments measure light, X-rays, neutrons, and other products from each target shot.

Find out more at
DT is the only feasible fusion reaction (on Earth)

Fusion reactivities versus temperature

fusion reactivity versus temperature

D = deuterium (²H), T = tritium (³H), n = neutron
Temperature scale: 1 keV = 11,600,000 K
Temperature at core of Sun is 1.3 keV (surface 0.5 eV)

  • DT is 100 times easier to burn than any other fuel!
  • $D + T \rightarrow \alpha + n + \textrm{17.6 MeV}$
  • Problem: tritium (T or ³H) does not exist in nature!
  • $n +\,^6\!Li \rightarrow \alpha + T + \textrm{4.8 MeV}$
  • Tritium breeding problem: Need more than one T for each n!

None of these reactions power the Sun! The fusion reactions in the Sun must be far slower than any of these!

Extracting deuterium from seawater is extremely expensive. Tritium comes from lithium which must be mined to provide the other half of DT fusion fuel.