Factorial of a Fraction


A factorial, which we emphatically write $n!,$ is the product of the first $n$ integers, $n\cdot(n-1)...3\cdot2\cdot1.$ We learn about factorials in school in connection with counting the number of permutations and combinations of $n$ objects. In computer programming, factorial is the go-to example of recursion: We can define a function $f(n)$ by the recurrence relation $f(n+1)=(n+1)f(n),$ which tells us how to compute $f(n+1)$ provided we know its value $f(n)$ a step earlier. In addition to this functional equation, we need a base case to prevent the recursion from becoming an infinite loop. (Like answering, "Why?") In the case of factorial, the base case is that $f(1)=1.$ Thus, we define $n!$ as the function for which $1!=1$ and $(n+1)!=(n+1)n!.$

But there is a simpler example of recursion: raising a number $b$ to a power $b^n$, by which we mean the product $b\cdot b\cdot b...\cdot b$ with $n$ factors of $b.$ Just as for the case of factorial, semantically this basic definition amounts to a recurrence. In the case of raising to a power, the base case is $f(1)=b,$ while the functional relation is $f(n+1)=bf(n).$ (In fact, the basic definition of multiplication also is a recursion where the operation to advance a step is addition instead of multiplication. But we'll stick with raising to a power because eventually we want to circle back to factorial.)

A mathematician will always wonder about the base case. We have the feeling that the functional equation that gives $f(n+1)$ in terms of $f(n)$ contains the real essence of the function $f$ - the base case seems secondary and perhaps even arbitrary. In other words, the equation $f(1)=b$ talks about a specific single fact, while the recurrence $f(n+1)=bf(n)$ is a general statement about relationships. Algebra is all about relationships, and from that viewpoint the base case isn't algebra at all; it's merely a single observation as opposed to a statement relating many observations.

When you think about it this way, you naturally ask about extending the domain of our function. What might we mean by $f(0)$? f(-1)? f(1/2)? Is our recursive definition enough to uniquely answer all these questions? For the case of the exponential function $f(n)=b^n,$ yes. Our recurrence relation does indeed allow us to extend the meaning of $b^n$ far beyond the counting numbers $n.$ For this simple recursion, we can obviously run it backwards as easily as forwards by simply solving for $f(n)=f(n+1)/b,$ or in other words $f(n-1)=f(n)/b.$ Starting with $n=1,$ we immediately find $f(0)=1,$ showing that $b^0=1$ for every exponent base $b.$ Running the recurrence farther backward, we define the meaning of negative powers $b^{-n}=1/b^n.$ We see that our functional equation $f(n+1)=bf(n)$ really defined $b^n$ not just for the counting numbers $n,$ but for all integer $n$ both positive and negative.

We can go even farther and define $b^{1/2}$ and other fractional powers by studying the role of the base of the exponent $b$ in our recursion. Namely, we can ask what happens when we use a number which is itself a power, say $b^m,$ as the base for raising to other powers, $(b^m)^n.$ Thinking about how to extend the domain of the function starting from the counting numbers inherent in all recursive definitions to other kinds of arguments is a spectacular success in the case of exponential functions. The recurrence relation in fact determines the meaning of $b^x$ for any number $x,$ positive or negative, whole or fractional.

So what about the factorial recurrence $f(n+1)=(n+1)f(n)$? Can we use it to define $x!$ for any number $x$ as we did in the case of $b^x$? We start down the same path by running it backwards $f(n-1)=f(n)/n.$ That gives us $0!=1!/1=1.$ So far so good. On to negative numbers $(-1)!=0!/0=1/0=\infty.$ Uh-oh. And from then on $(-n)!=\pm\infty,$ infinity with alternating sign for all negative integers. At first this seems like a show stopper. However, many perfectly good functions, like $f(x)=1/x,$ blow up to infinity at isolated points, and so it will be for the factorial function. But we'll need to be a lot cleverer to define $x!$ than we needed to be for $b^x.$

Infinite product definition of factorial

Enter the supremely clever Leonhard Euler. To set the stage for Euler's definition of $x!$ we begin by describing his much more famous and important work on the exponential function $b^x.$

Long before Euler, money lenders had studied the formula $(1+r/n)^n,$ which still governs how we describe loans. If $r$ is the rate per annum a bank quotes for a loan, what they generally mean is that the rate per month is $r/12.$ If you do not pay them anything until the end of the year, however, you will owe $(1+r/12)^{12}$ times the loan amount (not counting late payment penalties) because the interest is compounded monthly. This is greater than $1+r,$ what you would have owed if the interest were compounded yearly. A natural question is what would happen if interest were compounded daily? Or hourly?

Euler studied this compound interest function $f(x;n)=(1+x/n)^n,$ and in particular what happens when you increase the "interest rate" $x$ by a whopping $100\%$ to $x+1$: $$\begin{align*} f(1+x; n) &= \left(1+\frac{(1+x)}{n}\right)^n \\ &= \left(1+\frac{1}{n}+\frac{x}{n}\right)^n \\ &= \left(1+\frac{1}{n}\right)^n\left(1+\frac{x}{n+1}\right)^n \\ &= \left(1+\frac{1}{n}\right)^n f(x; n+1) \left(1+\frac{x}{n+1}\right)^{-1} \end{align*}$$

For small values of $n,$ this is just a complicated mess. What interested Euler was that in the limit that $n$ becomes infinite (while $x$ remains fixed), we have a function which satifies the fundamental recurrence relation for raising something to the power $x.$ In that limit, the final factor goes to $1$, so $$f(1+x;\infty) = f(x;\infty) \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\left(1+\frac{1}{n}\right)^n.$$ Since $f(0;\infty)=1,$we see that $f(1+x;\infty)$ exactly matches the recursive definition of the exponential $b^{1+x}=b^x\cdot b$ for the particular base $b$ defined by $$e = b = \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\left(1+\frac{1}{n}\right)^n$$ So that $$\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\left(1+\frac{x}{n}\right)^n = e^x$$ Euler popularized the famous constant $e,$ which the most important exponent base in calculus. His formula relates the exponential function $e^x$ to a limit of polynomial functions $(1+x/n)^n.$

The most important feature of Euler's formula for $e^x,$ however, is that it works for completely arbitrary values of $x$ right from the beginning. The natural recursive definition of $b^n$ is simple, but we had to work hard to extend its domain to define arbitrary $b^x.$ Euler's definition looks more complicated at first, but makes up for that by very naturally allowing arbitrary values of $x.$ In fact, it even works for complex numbers $x,$ an extension which turns out to be one of the most crucial insights in the history of mathematics.

We now return to the factorial function. Notice first that if we define $x!$ in any single interval $n\lt x\le n+1$, the forward and backward recursions $(x+1)!=(x+1)x!$ and $(x-1)!=x!/x$ fix the value of $x!$ all $x.$ Euler asks what would happen if we defined $$(n+x)! = (n+1)^xn!,$$ where $0\lt x\le 1.$ More formally, we define a function $f(x;n)$ which satisfies the factorial recursion $$f(1+x;n)=(1+x)f(x;n)$$ everywhere, the base case $f(1;n)=1,$ and $f(n+x;n)=(n+1)^xn!$ for $0\lt x\le 1.$ By virtue of the recursion and base case, we know that for all integer $m,$ $f(m;n)=m!$ Starting from the special interval, we recurse backwards to find $$f(x;n) = \frac{f(n+x;n)}{(n+x)(n-1+x)...(1+x)} = \frac{(n+1)^xn!}{\prod_{k=1}^n(k+x)}.$$ Here $\prod$ is the standard mathematical notation for a product. Euler notices that $n!$ is also a product $\prod_{k=1}^n k.$ Finally, Euler makes the inspired observation that $(n+1)$ can be written as the telescoping product $$n+1 = \prod_{k=1}^{n}\frac{k+1}{k} = \prod_{k=1}^{n}\left(1+\frac{1}{k}\right).$$ Putting all this together, we rewrite our defintion $f(n+x;n)=(n+1)^xn!$ in the interval between $n$ and $n+1$ as a single product for $x$ in the interval between $0$ and $1$: $$f(x;n) = \prod_{k=1}^n\frac{(1+1/k)^x}{(1+x/k)}.$$

Proceeding as he did for $e^x,$ Euler considers the limit of very large $n$: $$f(x;\infty) = \prod_{k=1}^\infty\frac{(1+1/k)^x}{(1+x/k)}$$ For finite $n,$ we had to restrict $0\lt x\le 1$ and apply the factorial recurrence relation separately to get $f$ in all other intervals. In the limit of infinite $n,$ on the other hand, $$\begin{align*} f(1+x;\infty) &= \prod_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{(1+1/k)\left(1+1/k\right)^x}{1+1/k+x/k} \\ &= \prod_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{\left(1+1/k\right)^x}{1+x/(k+1)} \\ &= (1+x) \prod_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{\left(1+1/k\right)^x}{1+x/k} \\ &= (1+x) f(x;\infty) \end{align*}$$ That is, $f(x;\infty)$ already satisfies the factorial recurrence relation; unlike for finite $n,$ we need not restrict $x.$ Since $f(1;\infty)=1,$ for any integer value $n,$ $f(x;\infty)=n!.$ Euler therefore defines $$x! = \prod_{k=1}^\infty\frac{(1+1/k)^x}{(1+x/k)}$$ for any value $x$; like his definition of $e^x$ this expression converges even for complex values of $x,$ extending the factorial function over the whole complex plane. As for the limit definition of $e^x,$ this indifference to what kind of number $x$ might be is the big attraction of this complicated way to write what we mean by factorial.

There is one new complication for extending factorial beyond the integers, which did not arise (or is at least much more subtle) in the case of exponentials: Euler's factorial construction is not unique; other perfectly smooth functions match the value of factorial at every integer point. That is, the factorial recurrence does not uniquely specify an extension of the function beyond the integers. To demonstrate the problem, suppose another function $f(x)$ besides Euler's $x!$ also satisfies $f(1)=1$ and $f(1+x)=(1+x)f(x).$ Then $$\frac{f(1+x)}{(1+x)!} = \frac{f(x)}{x!}$$ In other words, the function $g(x)=f(x)/x!$ is periodic with period $1.$ Additionally, $g(n)=1$ for all integer $n.$ That is, any function $f(x)=g(x)x!,$ where $x!$ is Euler's factorial extension and $g(x)$ is periodic with period $1$ and equals $1$ at all integer values, we could take to be the extension of factorial to non-integer values.

What other condition, then, distinguishes Euler's extension from all these other possibilites? The answer is that Euler's is the only one which approaches the form $(n+x)!=(n+1)^x n!$ in the limit of large $n.$ Euler constructed his formula using this limit as his starting point. For any other factorial extension $g(x)x!$ we have $$g(n+x)(n+x)! = g(x) (n+1)^x n!$$ because $g(n+x)=g(x).$ Therefore, unless $g(x)=1$ for all $x,$ $g(n+x)(n+x)!$ does not approach $(n+1)^x n!$ as $n\rightarrow\infty$ because the factor $g(x)$ remains unchanged no matter how large $n$ becomes.

One more question about Euler's factorial construction will arise: How quickly does $x!=f(x;\infty)$ approach the defining behavior $(n+x)!=(n+1)^x n!$ as $n$ grows? $$\begin{align*} (n+x)! &= \prod_{k=1}^n (k+x) \prod_{k=1}^\infty \frac{(1+1/k)^x}{1+x/k} \\ &= (n+1)^x n! \prod_{k=n+1}^\infty \frac{(1+1/k)^x}{1+x/k} \end{align*}$$ where $0\le x \le 1.$ The logarithm of the final term on the right hand side is $$\begin{align*} \sum_{k=n+1}^\infty (x\log(1+1/k) - \log(1+x/k)) &\approx \sum_{k=n+1}^\infty -x(1-x)/(2k^2) \\ &\approx (-x(1-x)/2) \sum_{k=n+1}^\infty 1/(k(k-1)) \\ &= (-x(1-x)/2) \sum_{k=n+1}^\infty (1/(k-1) - 1/k) \\ &= -x(1-x)/(2n) \end{align*}$$ Therefore, for the Euler definition of $x!$ we have $$(n+x)! \approx (n+1)^x n! (1 - x(1-x)/(2n)).$$ In other words, the infinite product approaches the defining form on the interval between $n$ and $n+1$ from below, with a relative error decreasing as $1/n.$

Integral definition of factorial

For science and engineering students, and most math students as well, factorials of fractions are always introduced by way of the integral identity $$n! = \int_0^\infty dt\, t^n e^{-t}.$$ This simple integral pops up in a wide variety of situations both in physics and in statistics. Note that it is true for $n=0,$ and that the integral, regarded as a function of $n,$ satisfies the recursive functional equation that defines the factorial, which you will see proven as a simple example of integration by parts. As long as $x\gt-1,$ we can use this integral to define factorial for non-integers by $$x! = \int_0^\infty dt\, t^x e^{-t}.$$ Notice that the infinite product definition, unlike this one, places no restrictions on $x$ - it works perfectly well for any negative $x,$ except for negative integers. The integral definition is inferior mathematically, because it does not extend the meaning of factorial as broadly as possible; if you start here you will have left yourself more work to do. (This integral definition is also due to Euler. We never truly understand anything in mathematics, or physics for that matter, until we have looked at it from several different angles.)

Is this integral definition identical to the infinite product definition? The only way to answer this question is to check that in the limit of large $n$ it satisfies $(n+x)!\rightarrow(n+1)^xx!.$ Thus, we need to look at the asymptotic behavior of this integral in the limit of large $x.$ To do this, we need to study the integrand, $t^xe^{-t}.$

The reason we teach students the integral definition first is because the function $t^xe^{-t}$ is extremely common and important in statistics. For example, in physics $e^{-t}$ is the probability per unit time of not observing a radioactive decay if the average decay rate is one decay per second. In other words, it represents the distribution of the gaps between the clicks of a Geiger counter. Mathematically, $e^{-t}$ is precisely the mathematical function whose rate of decrease is itself: The fact that you've already waited $\tau$ seconds without hearing a click does not change how much longer you expect to have to wait for the next click. (Untrained people find this fact notoriously counterintuitive, like other gambler's paradoxes.)

If $e^{-t}$ is the probability of zero clicks in $t$ seconds, what is the probability of exactly one click in $t$ seconds? If the one click happens at time $t_1$ between $0$ and $t,$ that means you first waited $t_1$ with zero clicks before it came, then $t-t_1$ with zero clicks afterwards. If there is one click per second on average, then the probability of a click between $t_1$ and $t_1+dt_1$ where $dt_1$ is a very short time, maybe a microsecond, is simply $dt_1.$ Thus the probability of exactly one click within $dt_1$ of $t_1$ over a total span of $t$ seconds is $e^{-t_1}dt_1e^{-(t-t_1)},$ or $e^{-t}dt_1.$ Just as we assumed, this probability depends only on the duration of the small window $dt_1$ for the click and not on the time $t_1$ the click occurred. In fact, the property that $f(t_1)f(t-t_1)=f(t)$ is unique to exponential functions, which is why the probability of zero clicks is $e^{-t}.$ To get the probability of exactly one click, we need to add up all the small windows $dt_1$ from $t_1=0$ to $t_1=t$, which is just $t.$ This sum is precisely what integral notation means, $$\int_0^t dt_1 = t.$$ So the answer is that the probability of exactly one click in $t$ seconds is $te^{-t}.$

You begin to see the pattern: $e^{-t}$ is the probability of zero Geiger counter clicks in $t$ seconds, $te^{-t}$ is the probability of one click... Perhaps $t^ne^{-t}$ is the probability of exactly $n$ clicks in time $t$? Almost, but not quite. For exactly two clicks, we can apply the same analysis we did for one click, but now we label the times of the two clicks $t_1$ and $t_2$ and their separate small windows $dt_1$ and $dt_2.$ The probability of exactly two clicks is $e^{-t_1}dt_1e^{-(t_2-t_1)} dt_2e^{-(t-t_2)}.$ Once again, the magical exponential factors all collapse, by design, so the probability of clicks at $t_1$ and $t_2$ is just $e^{-t}dt_1dt_2.$ The complication arises when we try to add up all the intermediate times. We only want to count the times with $t_1\lt t_2.$ If we didn't care about the order, adding up all the $dt_1dt_2$ for every possible $t_1$ and $t_2$ between $0$ and $t$ would obviously produce $t^2.$ But just as obviously, we've double counted, since disregarding the order led to $t_2\lt t_1$ just as often as $t_1\lt t_2.$ Hence, the probability of exactly two clicks in time $t$ is $\tfrac{1}{2}t^2e^{-t}.$

The two click analysis generalizes to $n$ clicks. If $t_1, t_2, ..., t_n$ are the times of the $n$ clicks, the exponentials in the probability of no click before $t_1,$ click within $dt_1,$ no click between $t_1$ and $t_2$, click within $dt_2,$ and so on, always collapse to the full interval $t$ to give $e^{-t}dt_1dt_2...dt_n.$ If you think about it, this makes perfect sense: We always choose the windows $dt_k$ so small that even their sum is negligible, so the total length of time we don't hear any clicks is always $t,$ with its associated probability $e^{-t}.$ Once again, if we add up all the possible small windows from $0$ to $t$ without regard to the order of the $t_k$ we simply get $t^ne^{-t}.$ But this overcounts because we are only interested in case that the $t_k$ are arranged in increasing order. Since there are $n!$ different orders or permutations of $n$ times, the probability of exactly $n$ clicks in $t$ seconds must be $\tfrac{1}{n!}t^ne^{-t}.$

So the probability of exactly $n$ clicks of a Geiger counter in time $t$ is, apart from the factor of $n!,$ exactly our integrand. Now we ask a slighly rephrased question: What is the probability that the $n+1^{\text{st}}$ click occurs between time $t$ and $t+dt$? Again, $dt$ is the probability of a click in any short window of time. The probability of the $n+1^{\text{st}}$ click that close to $t$ is therefore the probability of exactly $n$ clicks in $t$ times $dt.$ If we add up the probabilites of hearing the $n+1^{\text{st}}$ click in every time window from now to doomsday, we must get certainty: $$\int_0^\infty dt \frac{1}{n!}t^ne^{-t} = 1.$$ Multiplying both sides by $n!$ reproduces the integral definition of factorial. The physical interpretation of the integrand as the probability of hearing exactly $n$ clicks of a Geiger counter in time $t$ makes the relationship to factorials quite natural: $n!$ is the number of different orderings of any set of $n$ click times.

We must digress briefly to point out one other immediate consequence of the physical interpretation of $\tfrac{1}{n!}t^ne^{-t}.$ What is the probability of hearing any number of clicks (including zero) in time $t$? Again, because we are certain to hear some number of clicks in any interval $t,$ we must have $$\begin{align*} 1 &= \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{1}{n!}t^ne^{-t} \\ e^t &= \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{1}{n!}t^n \end{align*}$$ This relationship to the Taylor series for $e^t,$ arguably the most celebrated of all Taylor series, is another reason teachers are so attracted to the integral definition of factorial.

So the integral definition of factorial satisfies the factorial recursion $f(1+x)=(1+x)f(x)$ even for non-integer $x,$ and it agrees with factorial for all non-negative integer $x.$ But we saw that all this is not sufficient to guarantee that it is identical to the infinite product definition. In order to prove the equivalence of the two definitions, we need to demonstrate that $f(n+x)\rightarrow (n+1)^xf(x)$ in the limit that $n\rightarrow\infty$ where $f(x)$ is the integral definition of $x!.$ In order to do this, we must study the integrand even more closely.

We know that $\tfrac{1}{n!}t^ne^{-t}$ is the probability of hearing $n$ clicks of a Geiger counter in $t$ seconds. In statistics we learn how to use these distributions to answer many other questions. For example, how many clicks do we expect to hear on average in $t$ seconds? We can get this by adding up all of the probabilities, weighted by the number of clicks they represent: $$\langle n\rangle = \sum_{n=0}^\infty n \frac{1}{n!} t^n e^{-t}.$$ Here the angle brackets indicate the average over some probability distribution. This particular infinite sum is far easier to evaluate than it might seem: $$\begin{align*} \langle n\rangle &= \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{(n-1)!} t^n e^{-t} \\ &= \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{1}{n!} t^{n+1} e^{-t} \\ &= t \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{1}{n!} t^n e^{-t} \\ &= t \end{align*}$$ That is, the average number of clicks we hear per unit time, $\langle n\rangle/t,$ equals one per second, just as we assumed from the beginning - one click per second on average.

Statistics is a very subtle subject because it gets tied up in the semantics of the language we speak. What is the average length of time it takes to hear $n$ clicks? Since we just demonstrated that we hear, on average, $n$ clicks per second, our first thought is that the average time to hear $n$ clicks must be $n$ seconds. That is roughly the right answer, but not exactly; having an average event rate is different than the average time for events. For the same reason, average gas mileage and average volume of gas consumed per mile are not reciprocals - the subject of many a test question. Abbreviating $\tfrac{1}{n!}t^ne^{-t}=p_n(t),$ the average time it takes to hear exactly $n$ clicks is $$\begin{align*} \langle t\rangle &= \int_0^\infty dt\, t\, p_n(t) \\ &= (n+1) \int_0^\infty dt\, p_{n+1}(t) \\ &= n+1 \end{align*}$$ That is, the average time to hear $n$ clicks is $n+1$ seconds, even though the average number of clicks in $n$ seconds is $n.$

So the mean $\langle t\rangle$ of the probability distribution for exactly $n$ clicks $p_n(t)$ is $n+1,$ longer and longer as the number of clicks we require increases. But the other thing that happens as $n$ increases is that the width of $p_n(t)$ decreases - it becomes less and less likely that the time elapsed to hear $n$ clicks will differ appreciably from its mean value $n+1.$ This is what you expect from the law of averages, and what you mean by the average rate of clicks being constant. The simplest measure of the width of a distribution is its variance, or mean square deviation from the mean $$\text{Var}(t) = \left\langle\left(t-\langle t\rangle\right)^2\right\rangle = \langle t^2\rangle - \langle t\rangle^2.$$ Since $\langle t^2\rangle$ is $(n+2)(n+1)$ because it is related to $p_{n+2}(t)$ in the same way that $\langle t\rangle$ is related to $p_{n+1}(t),$ we calculate $$\text{Var}(t) = (n+2)(n+1) - (n+1)^2 = n+1.$$ That is, the variance in the time for $n$ clicks to arrive is $n+1,$ which means its standard deviation from its mean is $\sqrt{n+1}.$ In other words, we expect it to take $100$ seconds on average for $99$ clicks to arrive, plus or minus $10$ seconds, or $10\%$ of the wait time. We expect to wait $10,000$ seconds for $9,999$ clicks, plus or minus only $100$ seconds, or $1\%$ of the wait time. So $p_n(t)$ is becoming relatively a sharper and sharper peak around $t=n+1$ as $n$ increases; the charateristic width of $p_n(t)$ is $\Delta t=\pm\sqrt{n+1}$ seconds.

Armed with these results, we are ready to tackle the asymptotic behavior of the integral defintion of factorial in the limit of large $x.$ Since we already know the integral is exactly $n!$ for integer $x,$ we write the argument as $n+x$ where $n$ is a large integer and $x$ is some fraction between $0$ and $1.$ The mean and variance of the function $t^ne^{-t}$ are the same as the distribution $p_n(t),$ since they differ only by the constant factor $n!.$ Since $p_n(t)$ is very sharply peaked near $t=n+1,$ most of the value of the integral will come from a relatively small region of a few times $\sqrt{n+1}$ around that peak. Therefore, we write $$\begin{align*} (n+x)! &= \int_0^\infty dt\,t^{n+x}e^{-t} \\ &= (n+1)^x \int_0^\infty dt\,\left(\frac{t}{n+1}\right)^xt^ne^{-t} \\ &= (n+1)^x\int_0^\infty dt\,\left(1+\frac{t-(n+1)}{n+1}\right)^xt^ne^{-t}\\ &= (n+1)^xn!\int_0^\infty dt\,\left(1+\frac{t- \langle t\rangle}{n+1}\right)^xp_n(t) \end{align*}$$ Now the factor multiplying $p_n(t)$ inside the final integral is of the form $(1+u)^x$ where $u$ is small, of order $1/\sqrt{n+1}$, for all $t$ where the integrand is large. Hence, we can expand it with the generalized binomial series $$(1+u)^x = 1 + xu + \frac{x(x-1)}{2\cdot 1}u^2 + \frac{x(x-1)(x-2)}{3\cdot 2\cdot 1}u^3 + ...$$ The final integral becomes $$\begin{align*} \int_0^\infty dt\,\left(1+u\right)^xp_n(t) = &\int_0^\infty dt\,p_n(t) + x\int_0^\infty dt\,up_n(t) \\ &+ \frac{x(x-1)}{2}\int_0^\infty dt\,u^2p_n(t) + ... \end{align*}$$ We've already evaluated all three of the right hand side integrals: The first is the normalization integral, which is $1.$ The second is $0$ by the definition of $\langle t\rangle=n+1.$ The third is the variance integral, divided by $(n+1)^2,$ for a final result of $1/(n+1).$ The remaining terms of the biomial expansion contribute only larger reciprocal powers of $n.$

The asymptotic behavior of the integral definition is therefore $$(n+x)! = (n+1)^x n! \left(1 + \frac{x(x-1)}{2(n+1)} + ...\right)$$ In the limit of $n\rightarrow\infty$ this indeed approaches arbitrarily closely to the same form as the infinite product definition, which proves that the two definitions yield exactly the same result. You may prefer the infinite product or the integral definition, but they are really different views of the same extension of factorial to non-integer values. The correct thing to do is, like Euler, to embrace both, and be able to use the best one for whatever application you may encounter.

In the following section, we derive an important property of the factorial function which is easiest to think about starting from the infinite product formula. In the section after that, we discuss a well-known result for which the integral formula is the natural starting point.

The factorial reflection formula

Since the extension of factorial beyond the non-negative integers is not unique, why do we prefer the version defined by Euler's infinite product or integral formulas? Euler's formulas define a function which has very interesting relationships to other important functions we know. In particular, it satisfies a second functional equation, beyond the factorial recurrence $f(1+x)=(1+x)f(x),$ which relates the generalized factorial function to the sine function familiar from trigonometry. Deriving this relationship requires a bit more advanced mathematics than what we needed to understand either of Euler's definitions, but it should be within reach if you enjoy a good challenge.

We already remarked that the factorial becomes infinite at all the negative integers, even though it is well defined at every other negative number. This suggests investigating its reciprocal, $$\frac{1}{x!} = \prod_{n=1}^\infty\frac{1+x/n}{(1+1/n)^x}$$ This function is well-behaved for all $x,$ and evidently has zeros where $x$ is a negative integer (and nowhere else).

We can both cancel the $x$ powers in the denominator and get zeros at all the integers if we multiply this by itself but flipped with $x\rightarrow-1-x$: $$\begin{align*} \frac{1}{x!(-1-x)!} &= \prod_{n=1}^\infty\frac{1+x/n}{(1+1/n)^x} \prod_{n=1}^\infty\frac{1-1/n-x/n}{(1+1/n)^{-1-x}} \\ &= -x \prod_{n=1}^\infty(1+x/n)(1-1/(n+1)-x/(n+1))(1+1/n) \\ &= -x \prod_{n=1}^\infty(1+x/n)(1-x/n)(1-1/(n+1))(1+1/n) \\ &= -x \prod_{n=1}^\infty(1+x/n)(1-x/n) = -f(x), \end{align*}$$ Where we define the function $f(x)$ by the remarkably simple infinite product in the final line.

Now this $f(x),$ the reciprocal of the product of the factorial function with itself when reflected about $x=-1/2,$ evidently has a zero at every integer value of $x,$ positive or negative. What else can we learn about it? Look at what happens when we shift $x$ by $1,$ which we can compute from the factorial recurrence: $$f(1+x) = \frac{1}{(1+x)!}\frac{1}{(-1-x-1)!} = \frac{1}{(1+x)x!}\frac{-1-x}{(-1-x)!} = -f(x)$$ Therefore, $f(2+x)=f(x),$ or in other words $f(x)$ is an odd periodic function with period $2$ and a zero at every integer value. Dare we hope that $f(x)\propto\sin\pi x$?

Euler simply asserted that $f(x)=(\sin\pi x)/\pi,$ since that function has the correct derivative at $x=0$ and shares the same zeros. (It would be true of the polynomial of finite degree you get by truncating the product at some value of $n.$) But of course, there are plenty of other periodic functions which share the same zeros and derivatives at their zeros with the sine function, so this is not a real proof.

There is no really simple way to prove Euler's infinite product for the sine function (that we know). Here's the best argument we've found, but we'll need to assume you know calculus and Fourier analysis. We begin with the logarithmic derivative of $f,$ in order to convert the infinite product into an infinite sum: $$\frac{f'(x)}{f(x)} = \frac{1}{x} + \sum_{n=1}^\infty\left(\frac{1}{x+n}+\frac{1}{x-n}\right)$$ These terms suggest coefficients of a Fourier series. Consider the Fourier series for the function $e^{ixt},$ regarded as a function of a new variable $t,$ with $x$ as a parameter. We want the Fourier frequency components to have the form $e^{-int}$ to get the $x+n$ we are interested in, but $e^{ixt}$ does not naturally have the correct period in $t$ of $2\pi$. However, if we artificially cut our the chunk of $e^{ixt}$ between $-\pi\le t\le \pi$ and make copies of this chunk in all other intervals of length $2\pi,$ we get a discontinuous periodic function, which we can use to develop a Fourier series: $$e^{ixt} = \sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty a_n e^{-int}$$ The Fourier coefficients of this series are $$\begin{align*} a_n &= \frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{-\pi}^\pi dt\, e^{ixt}e^{int} \\ &= \frac{1}{\pi}\frac{\sin\pi(x+n)}{x+n} \\ &= \frac{1}{\pi}\frac{(-1)^n\sin\pi x}{x+n} \end{align*}$$ These $a_n$ have the denominator $x+n$ we were after. Reassembling the series, we have $$\pi e^{ixt} = \sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty\frac{(-1)^n\sin\pi x}{x+n}e^{-int}.$$

The real part of this is $$\begin{align*} \pi\cos(xt)&=\sin\pi x\sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty\frac{(-1)^n\cos(nt)}{x+n} \\ &= \sin\pi x\left(\frac{1}{x} + \sum_{n=1}^\infty(-1)^n\cos(nt) \left(\frac{1}{x+n} + \frac{1}{x-n}\right)\right) \end{align*}$$ Now we never really wanted the Fourier wave variable $t$, and we notice that replacing $t$ by the particular value $t=\pi,$ we find $$\frac{\pi\cos\pi x}{\sin\pi x} = \frac{1}{x} + \sum_{n=1}^\infty\left(\frac{1}{x+n} + \frac{1}{x-n}\right)$$ The series on the right is exactly $f'(x)/f(x).$ Furthermore, we can easily identify $f(x)\propto\sin\pi x$ from the left hand side. All that remains is to identify the constant of proportionality. The easiest way to do this is to take the derivative term by term without dividing by $f(x)$: $$f'(x) = \prod_{n=1}^\infty(1-x^2/n^2) - x^2\sum_{n=1}^\infty (2/n^2)\prod_{k=1,k\ne n}^\infty(1-x^2/k^2)$$ Thus, $f'(0)=1,$ which means that, as Euler asserted, $f(x)=(\sin\pi x)/\pi.$

After all of this, we are left with the remarkable reflection formula for Euler's factorial function, a second functional equation it satisfies beyond the factorial recurrence: $$\frac{1}{x!(-1-x)!} = -\frac{\sin\pi x}{\pi}$$ This relationship between factorial and the $\sin$ function of trigonometry neatly fits with the infinite value of the factorial at all the negative integers. By reflecting the factorial around $x=-1/2$ we produce a function with poles at all the integers, which turns out to be just the reciprocal of $\sin\pi x.$

The fixed point of our reflection is $x=-1/2,$ and by plugging that value into the factorial reflection formula we just derived, we make a remarkable discovery: $$(-1/2)! = \sqrt{\pi}.$$ We can step this forward and backward with the factorial recurrence to calculate the factorial of all half-integers. For example, $(1/2)!=\sqrt{\pi}/2.$

The reflection formula also makes Euler's integral definition much more useful. By itself, the integral definition is useless for computing factorials when $x\le-1.$ But with the factorial reflection formula, we can evaluate the integral for an $x\gt -1/2$ then use $$x! = \frac{-\pi(-1-x)!}{\sin\pi x}$$ to compute the factorial of the reflected point with $x\lt -1/2.$

The infinite product for the sine function, incidentally, is another of Euler's most famous results, which led him to the solution of the so-called Basel problem. He got there by expanding the infinite product into a power series: $$\begin{align*} \sin\pi x &= \pi x\prod_{n=1}^\infty\left(1-\frac{x^2}{n^2}\right) \\ &= \pi x\left(1 - \left(\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^2}\right)x^2 + \left(\sum_{n=1}^\infty\sum_{m\gt n}\frac{1}{n^2m^2}\right)x^4-...\right) \end{align*}$$ This must equal, term by term, the Taylor series for sine $$\sin\pi x = \pi x\left(1 - (\pi x)^2/6 + (\pi x)^4/120 -...\right),$$ leading to a whole series of identities. The first one solves the Basel problem, to find the sum of the squares of the reciprocals of the counting numbers: $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{\pi^2}{6}$$ The second, after some work, gives the sum of the reciprocal fourth powers, which shows up in the Stephan-Boltzmann equation relating the power output radiated by a hot body like the sun to its temperature. The work consists of rewriting the double sum like this $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty\sum_{m\gt n} \frac{1}{n^2m^2} = \frac{1}{2}\left(\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^2}\right)^2 - \frac{1}{2}\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^4}.$$ Setting this equal to the Taylor series coefficient $\pi^4/120$ and solving for the inverse fourth power sum gives $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^4} = \left(\frac{\pi^2}{6}\right)^2 - 2\frac{\pi^4}{120} = \frac{\pi^4}{90}.$$ With increasing amounts of effort, we can derive similar expressions for the sum of the reciprocals raised to any even power. These are the values of the Riemann zeta function at the even integers; Euler's factorial function, and the factorial reflection formula in particular, is important in the celebrated Riemann hypothesis.

We might wonder whether the combination of the reflection formula and the factorial recurrence together is sufficient to uniquely determine a single function. The answer is no. The reflection formula merely adds one more minor constraint on the function $g(x)=f(x)/x!.$ Namely, $\log g(x)$ must not only have period $1$ and be $0$ at $x=0,$ but for $f(x)$ to satisfy the reflection formula it must also be an odd function of $x.$ You can easily construct as many such functions as you like as linear combinations of $\sin 2\pi nx$ with integer $n.$ The only property which distinguishes Euler's factorial extension from any other is the asymptotic $(n+x)!\rightarrow(n+1)^xn!$ behavior.

The Stirling approximation

Anyone who meets the factorial function quickly realizes that it increases very, very rapidly. The number $52!,$ the number of different ways to shuffle a deck of cards, has 68 digits. In other words, it quickly becomes impractical to compute factorials by actually multiplying out the result. We need a quicker way to estimate factorials of even modest numbers. The Stirling approximation is the earliest and simplest formula to fill that need, dating from about the same time as Euler's landmark work.

We can get a very quick estimate of $x!$ for large $x$ from the work we already did on the asymptotic form of the integral definition. There we found the integrand $t^xe^{-t}$ was a sharply peaked function near $t=x$, with an average $t$ of $x+1$ and a half-width (standard deviation) of $\sqrt{x+1}.$ Dropping the "$+1$" for our very rough estimate, we quickly estimate $$x! = \int_0^\infty dt\,t^xe^{-t} \sim 2\sqrt{x}x^xe^{-x}.$$ Stirling's claim to fame is that he discovered the constant replacing our "$2$" that makes this estimate exact in the limit $x\rightarrow\infty,$ and additionally provided formulas for the error when $x$ is finite.

Like the reflection formula, a complete discussion of the Stirling formula leads into some quite advanced mathematical topics, in particular, into the subject of asymptotic series. The method we will show here requires a rather unusual application of the technique of changing the variable of integration, a technique from elementary calculus. It is not quite as miraculous as the "consider the Fourier series of" argument we needed for the reflection formula, but it is clearly in that category.

We begin with the logarithm of the integrand, $$\log(t^xe^{-t}) = x\log t - t.$$ From its derivative $x/t-1,$ we see that its maximum is at the point $t=x,$ which means that is the maximum of the integrand as well. In other words, the integrand is largest just slightly before its mean value $x+1.$ As a first, very minor, change of variables, we rewrite this in terms of the variable $u,$ where $t=x(1+u).$ In terms of $u,$ the whole integral looks like this $$x! = x^{1+x}e^{-x}\int_{-1}^\infty du\,e^{-xf(u)},$$ where we define $$f(u) = u - \log(1+u).$$

The function $f(u)$ blows up to infinity at the endpoints of this new integral, $u=-1$ and $u=\infty.$ We chose $u$ to make $f(u)$ come to a single smooth minimum at $u=f(u)=0.$ As $x$ increases, the remaining factor of $x$ in the exponent makes the integrand more and more sharply peaked; we know that since $u\sim t/x,$ the peak width decreases as $1/\sqrt{x}.$ In fact, near the minimum at $u=0,$ we can expand $\log(1+u)=u-u^2/2+u^3/3-u^4/4+...$ and this expansion will become more and more accurate with increasing $x$ because the important values of $u$ in the integral will decrease.

Now is the time for the unusual change of variables. Define $v$ by $$\begin{align*} v^2 &= 2\left(u - \log(1+u)\right) \\ &= u^2 - \tfrac{2}{3}u^3 + \tfrac{1}{2}u^4 - \tfrac{2}{5}u^5 + \tfrac{1}{3}u^6 -... \end{align*}$$ This is a very subtle and unusual change of variables, because the inverse function on both the right and left hand sides is double valued. The function $v(u)$ we are defining here is the infinitely smooth analytic function we get by taking $v$ to have the same sign as $u$. As we cross from the $v\lt 0$ branch to the $v\gt 0$ branch on the left side, we also cross from the $u\lt 0$ to the $u\gt 0$ branch on the right side. Note that the Taylor series in the second line only converges for $|u|\lt 1,$ even though the integral extends to unbounded $u\gt 1.$ Since the interesting $u$ are less than a few times $1/\sqrt{u},$ we will ignore this problem.

This very clever change of variables produces the integral $$x! = x^{1+x}e^{-x}\int_{-\infty}^\infty dv\,e^{-xv^2/2}du/dv.$$ The reason for working with $v$ becomes clear: The Gaussian function $e^{-xv^2/2}$ is the cornerstone of most of the science of statistics; it is the most common sharply peaked function. This particular Gaussian has variance $1/x,$ or standard deviation $1/\sqrt{x},$ so it is the same width as our $u$ integrand. The limits of integration also run over the whole range of $v$ from $-\infty$ to $+\infty.$

The moments of the Gaussian distribution are exceedingly well understood. In fact, they reduce to a special case of our extended factorial function - the factorials of the half integers - as you can see by a simple change of variables from $v$ to $w=xv^2/2.$ Since $e^{-xv^2/2}$ is an even function of $v,$ all its odd moments vanish. Its even moments are $$\begin{align*} \int_{-\infty}^\infty dv\,v^{2n}e^{-xv^2/2} &= 2\int_0^\infty dv\,v^{2n}e^{-xv^2/2} \\ &= (2/x)^{n+1/2}\int_0^\infty dw\,w^{n-1/2}e^{-w} \\ &= (2/x)^{n+1/2} (n-1/2)! \end{align*}$$ Thus, if we can develop a power series for our change of variables $u(v),$ we will have an infinite series for $x!.$

The process of developing a power series for $u(v)$ is a variant of the general problem of inverting a power series. We can solve it by extending the series one term at a time. For small $u,$ we know $u\approx v.$ The next term will be $u=v+av^2,$ where $$\begin{align*} \tfrac{1}{2}v^2 &= \tfrac{1}{2}(v+av^2)^2 - \tfrac{1}{3}(v+av^2)^3 + \tfrac{1}{4}(v+av^2)^4 + ... \\ 0 &= av^3 - \tfrac{1}{3}v^3 + v^4(...) \\ a &= \tfrac{1}{3} \end{align*}$$ Thus $a=1/3,$ so in the next approximation $u=v+\tfrac{1}{3}v^2.$ We've divided both sides by a factor of two here to take advantage of the following trick: If we simply plug our expansion up to the $v^2$ term in, we know everything through $v^3$ cancels and we can just read the $v^4$ terms off as $$\begin{align*} \tfrac{1}{2}v^2 &= \tfrac{1}{2}(v+\tfrac{1}{3}v^2)^2 - \tfrac{1}{3}(v+\tfrac{1}{3}v^2)^3+\tfrac{1}{4}(v+\tfrac{1}{3}v^2)^4+... \\ 0 &= (1/18-1/3+1/4)v^4 + v^5(...) \\ a &= -\tfrac{1}{36}v^4 + v^5(...) \end{align*}$$ The trick is that you can now read off the coefficient for the $v^3$ term in the expansion for $u$. It is minus the $v^4$ coefficient, because that is what will be added by the leading term when a new $v^3$ term is added. So we have $u=v+\tfrac{1}{3}v^2+\tfrac{1}{36}v^3.$ Plugging this in and computing only the $v^5$ terms gives the $v^4$ term in the $u$ series, and so on. The first half dozen terms of the power series for $u(v)$ are therefore $$\begin{align*} u &= v + \frac{1}{3}v^2 + \frac{1}{36}v^3 - \frac{1}{270}v^4 + \frac{1}{4320}v^5 + \\ &\quad\frac{1}{17010}v^6 - \frac{139}{5443200}v^7 +... \end{align*}$$

To compute the integral, we need only the even terms of $du/dv,$ $$\frac{du}{dv} = 1 + ... + \frac{1}{12}v^2 + ... + \frac{1}{864}v^4 + ... - \frac{139}{777600}v^6 + ...$$ Putting all this together we find, using the factorial recursion $(x+1)!=(x+1)x!$: $$x! = x^{1+x}e^{-x}\left(\frac{2}{x}\right)^{\tfrac{1}{2}} \left(-\frac{1}{2}\right)!\left(1 + \frac{1}{12x} + \frac{1}{288x^2} - \frac{139}{51840x^3} + ...\right)$$ Since we know $(-1/2)!=\sqrt{\pi},$ we can write Sterling's approximation as he did: $$x! = \sqrt{2\pi x}\,x^xe^{-x} \left(1 + \frac{1}{12x} + \frac{1}{288x^2} - \frac{139}{51840x^3} + ...\right)$$ It turns out this series is an asymptotic serries, which means it does not converge, so there is no point in computing a large number of terms. However, any fixed number of terms produces a more and more accurate value for $x!$ as $x$ increases, so the series is still very useful for understanding the behavior of $x!$ for large $x$. In particular, the $x^x$ term makes it clear exactly how rapidly factorial increases with increasing $x.$


After the success of extending the definition of exponential functions $b^n$ from their definition for counting numbers $n$ all the way to $b^x$ for any real or complex $x,$ we naturally wondered whether the factorial function, which is also defined by a recurrence for the counting numbers $n$ can also be extended to $x!$ for arbitrary real or complex $x.$ The answer is a resounding yes, with the minor caveat that unlike exponentials, the recurrence by itself does not uniquely determine the extension. We introduce a second property, a particularly simple asymptotic form in the limit of large $x,$ in order to uniquely specify a particularly nice extension of $x!$ to arbitrary values of $x.$ Thus, $x!$ is the unique function which satisfies the factorial base case and recurrence formula, and which has Euler's asymptotic form as the integer $n\rightarrow\infty$: $$\begin{align*} 1! &= 1 \\ (x+1)! &= (x+1)x! \\ (n+x)! &\rightarrow (n+1)^x n! \end{align*}$$

Euler found two rather different explicit definitions of this function. The more general follows from the three defining properties by straightforward algebra: $$x! = \prod_{k=1}^\infty \frac{(1+1/k)^x}{1+x/k}.$$ This infinite product converges for any $x,$ real or complex, defining a smooth analytic function on the whole complex plane. The second involves an integral whose integrand is a common and important probability distribution, which represents, for example, the probability of hearing $x$ clicks of a Geiger counter during a time $t$: $$x! = \int_0^\infty dt\,t^x e^{-t}.$$

The infinite product for factorial is very similar to a more famous asymptotic formula Euler derived for the exponential function, $$e^x = \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} (1+x/n)^n.$$ The connection is that unlike the basic definition of raising the number $e$ to a counting number, Euler's formula works for any value of $x,$ real or complex.

Using the infinite product definition, we discovered the reflection property of the factorial function, which relates the function and its reflection through $x=-1/2$: $$x!(-1-x)! = \frac{\pi}{\sin\pi x}.$$ One immediate consequence is that $(-1/2)!=\sqrt{\pi},$ from which we can compute the factorial of any half-integer from the recurrence formula. The reflection formula is a direct consequence of another famous result of Euler's, the infinite product representation of the sine function: $$ \sin\pi x = \pi x\prod_{n=1}^\infty (1 - x^2/n^2).$$

Using the integral defintion, we demonstrated the Stirling approximation of $x!$ for large $x$: $$x! \approx \sqrt{2\pi x}\,x^xe^{-x}.$$ We also showed how to estimate its error with an asymptotic series.

So the simple question of whether we could extend factorial beyond the counting numbers just as we extended the exponential function leads some extremely rich and interesting mathematics. We leave the topic by noting that our extended factorial function is usually called the gamma function, $\Gamma(x+1)=x!.$ The shift of $x$ by $1$ puts the first pole of $\Gamma(x)$ at $x=0$ instead of at $x=-1,$ and makes the reflection formula constrain $\Gamma(x)\Gamma(1-x)$ which looks slightly nicer than $x!(-1-x)!.$ Otherwise, all of the simple properties we presented here look nicer without shifting, which is why we have stuck to the slightly non-standard notation $x!$ on this page.